About Us
Thanks for your interest in the Train Wreck Winery and Vineyard. Our winery is located in the historic Chicago North Western Railroad station in Algona, Iowa.AOur vineyard, located on the Clark Century Farm south of Livermore, Iowa, sits adjacent to the site of a famous train wreck on the old Minneapolis-St. Louis Rail Line. Wead like to tell you that this is the culmination of a comprehensive master plan, displaying our great vision and planning acumen. The truth is, serendipity played as large a role as vision. When we started down this road in January, 2005, we never imagined ourselves running a winery in this remarkable old depot, nor harvesting our own grapes by the banks of Bloody Run Creek. In January, 2005, Dallas witnessed the decrepit state of the old train depot in Algona, and made the commitment to fund the purchase and renovation of the structure.A In 2006, Dallas was researching projects that would be value-added for his farming operation on the Clark family farm, with an emphasis on those that could involve the extended family. He decided planting grapes would be the first such project. With required research and preparation, we were ready to plant in the spring of 2008. Four years later, we would harvest our first crop of grapes. Simultaneously, but with no thought of its eventual use, Dallas spent over two years securing possession of the depot. Once possession was gained, there began a slow but continual renovation of the depot. We had discussed building a winery at the vineyard. In early 2011, Dallas decided to establish the winery at the interim location of the depot in Algona. So for most of 2011 we pressed hard to get the finishing touches on the structure in time for our opening. We just barely got open in 2011, opening for business on December 20th. Come visit us at the depot! We have a photo montage that will show the remarkable progress of our old depot, and we look forward to showing you our facility. Come to Train Wreck Winery, where weare serving up our award winning wines and a little history!